History Department
Aims and Objectives

Aims and Objectives:
to maintain an open and collaborative community in the History Department;
to focus on, integrate and develop the 2024-2025 school year themes “SMART CITIES” (SMART signifies the intelligent use of resources in an efficient and effective way while CITIES represents a “Cradle for Integrating Technology, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability”); under the sub-themes “Healthy Living, Happy Life” and "Gratitude and Hope"
to infuse the Green Policy within the department;
to implement the Four Key Tasks in daily teaching and learning of History:
Moral and Civic Education;
Reading to Learn;
Project Learning;
IT for Interactive Learning (mobile technology and iPad)
to implement the NSS History curriculum;
to implement the IGCSE and IAL History curriculum;
to be more reflective on the strengths and weaknesses of the department;
to address Assessment for Learning and create an assessment policy;
to enrich teachers through staff development on Wednesday afternoons;
stimulate interest in, and enthusiasm for, the study of history;
to enhance the understanding of history as a discipline based on the critical study of evidence;
to focus on development of generic skills e.g. analysis, synthesis, interpretation which can foster critical thinking, the making of sound judgments and effective communications;
to equip students with a knowledge of selected regions, periods or themes/ topics in order to foster an understanding of historical concepts, generalizations and trends;
to promote the ability to develop personal and social values through encouraging an awareness and appreciation of the past.